21 November 2013
“Valt er nog iets te ontwerpen?” – Het ABC van digitaal publiceren_
Het lectoraat voor Netwerkcultuur presenteert het ABC van digitaal publiceren op donderdag 28 november 2013 van 09.30 tot 12.30 in het Kohnstammhuis (Kohnstammzaal, 9e verdieping). PUNTPIXEL presenteert in samenwerking met nai010 publishers en uitgeverij Valiz een tweetal projecten onder meer voor het Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.
Context Without Walls: generating a series of designed e-pubs
The subgroup of Valiz, Meeus Ontwerpt and PUNTPIXEL has set out to create a digital version of two editions from a new series by Valiz named Context Without Walls. The publications in this series are focused on artist from all over the world. The books are multi-lingual and contain essays as well as images. The print versions of Context Without Walls are created by Meeus Ontwerpt and do contain many design and conversion challenges. Some of these problems include working with visual essays, references in the page margins and (foot)notes. Equally taking into account technical possibilities and questions of design, we have sought solutions for these issues which arise when turning a paper book into an e-book. This has led to the decision to make a ‘simple’ and a more ’complicated’ digital version of our e-book. In our presentation Valiz and PUNTPIXEL will show the practical outcome of the work so far, focusing on the EPUB-generator built by PUNTPIXEL. Furthermore, we will discuss the choices (and the reasoning behind them) we have made up until this point. Presentation by: Valiz & PUNTPIXEL
Collecting Highlights
The subgroup of nai010 Publishers, Medamo and PUNTPIXEL are developing a digital version of the Stedelijk Museum Highlights Collection Catalogue. Instead of creating a 1:1 ebook copy of the catalogue, we are developing a digital distribution platform via a (mobile) web application which enables its users to find, filter, search, view and collect their personal highlights from the Stedelijk collection during a visit. This series of highlights is then used to assemble and generate a personal EPUB catalogue of the collection, which can be downloaded for offline viewing using the same online web application. This electronic version of the collection catalogue is free when ten or less artworks are collected. In the presentation we will show the general layout of the application and furthermore discuss the commercial role of nai010 as the publisher, content- or service provider. Presentation by: nai010 Publishers